Inbound Sales Process Copy


Historically, our organization has thrived almost entirely (95%+) from new business that comes through from people reaching out to us about working together. They find us through references from clients and non-clients in addition to through the consumption of our inbound marketing content.

NOTE: The only thing that changes between the Inbound and Outbound Sales Processes, are the steps taken to get the meetings. All documentation, HubSpot Funnel Steps, ETC … are the same. 

When an AE onboards, they need to work with the Director of Revenue to have their Hubspot reporting boards added to Hubspot Dashboards. As well as working with Marketing and Director of Revenue to review any Hubspot workflows that are going to be part of IE: Do Not Contact Lists and Round Robin etc ...

    1. Inbound Lead comes in via site or referral source – The majority of these leads come in via the contact form on our website. A lot of those that come to the contact form do so because of our inclusion on Moz’s recommended list. Leads are then assigned to our AEs using a Round Robin logic within our HubSpot CRM system.
    2. Prequalify a lead based on submission information – We review the site as well as the information presented from the form and make a determination of whether we want to move forward with the lead. If we want to move forward, NOTE: A Deal has already been auto created for you in HubSpot.
    3. Send email to prospects to request a call – In efforts to make people less hesitant about filling it out, our form does not ask for a phone number, rather we send an email shortly after we receive the lead and look to schedule a call.
    4. Schedule discovery call – We schedule the call with the prospect
      1. Move them to “Introductions/Discovery” stage in HubSpot
    5. Have an Introductions/Discovery call – We ask the prospect a series of situational questions and give them a brief overview of iPullRank. Based on that we’ll determine if the prospect is qualified.
      1. Here is the link to the Intro/Discovery Deck in DropBox
      2. Vet this opportunity in alignment with MEDDIC (See Below)
      3. It is the AEs and the AMs responsibility to do their best to make sure that data fields in the Company, Contact and Deal records in HubSpot are up to date as best as possible. 
        1. Areas to pay attention to are:
          1. More complete contact details in HubSpot, IE: cell/office phone numbers
          2. Links to Social profiles
          3. Detailed updates and NOTEs in the MEDDIC fields 
      4. Is the prospect qualified?
        1. If yes
          1. Take notes in HubSpot, collecting details to inform our proposal. Do this by adding a NOTE to the opportunity record in HubSpot and PINNING that note. Put items like Date/Time/Attendees/Bullet Points/Details/Next Steps. It is the AEs responsibility to keep all call notes in order so that they can be used for project handoff to AMs.
          2. If the lead/opportunity is moving forward, please request analytics and Google Search Console access to
          3. In many cases  to be granted access to a company’s analytics they will require having a MNDA in place for legal protection. You will go to Dropbox and download the MNDA template. Then fill out relevant information about the client such as the official company name, and where they are registered to do business, who needs to sign, their email, and title. Once completed make sure all information is up to date and email the documents to the Director of Revenue for final review. Once it is reviewed, the Director of Revenue will send the documents to the signatory via Docusign for execution. Once the MNDA is executed, upload the signed version to Hubspot under the company records and also upload to Dropbox in the proposal archive folder.  
    6. Move to Problems/Solutions Deck stage in HubSpot
      1. Here is the link to the Problems/Solutions Deck in DropBox
      2. Review the site and develop a proposal – We do a light review of the site and develop a customized proposal based on the needs of the prospect. This includes a review of their analytics, Google Search Console and/or third party tools (See Below). 
      3. Tag Account Manager in HubSpot/Google Calendar to schedule time to brief them on the details of the opportunity – At this point, we loop the Account Manager in and give them details on the deal so they can contribute to the process. So the AM can clarify with the POD any deliverable item questions or clarifications needed.
      4. Make sure to schedule a follow up meeting with the opportunity to review the Problems/Solutions deck.
      5. Once that meeting has been scheduled, move the opp forward
      6. Tools you must be familiar with to make a proposal deck:
        1. SEMRush - list reports used
        2. Searchmetrics - list reports used
        3. AHRefs - list reports used
        4. Page Speed Insights - list reports used and explanation
        5. Screaming Frog- list reports used
    7. Move to Engagement/Proposal Deck stage in HubSpot
      1. Here is the Link to the Engagement/Proposal Deck in DropBox
      2. Connect with AEs and the Director of Revenue to review how to build the deck for this stage.
      3. Confirm the scheduled Engagement/Proposal call – Either on the Problem/Solution call or after the fact via email, we schedule the Engagement/Proposal Presentation call using Zoom
        1. Include Zoom details in the meeting invite – We use Zoom to generate the conference bridge details
        2. Include Account Managers on calls when necessary – NOTE: we include Account Managers on the proposal call so that the prospect can feel comfortable that they won’t be handed off to an unknown party once the deal closes.
        3. Deliver proposal – We deliver the proposal either in person or via Zoom to the prospect.
          1. Take notes in the PINNED HubSpot Deal Note – We take notes within the Deal in HubSpot to ensure everything we need is captured.
          2. Send Follow Up Email – We send a follow up email highlighting any updates or outcomes that came up during the call. That email also includes the DocSend link so the prospect can review the proposal
            1. Place deck in DocSend – DocSend is a platform for sharing sales decks and collecting analytics. We deliver the decks using this in order to collect more intelligence on the prospect and their objections or needs based on subsequent reviews.
            2. Generate DocSend link 
          3. Prepare follow up email 
  • Continue to follow up weekly and answer questions pushing them to request paperwork – Until the prospect says otherwise we have to keep following up to see where Deal stands 
        1. If they don’t want to immediately move forward move to “HOLD/STUCK” in HubSpot
      1. When all questions have been addressed, prepare the MSA and the SOW. 
        1. In some cases you may want to send the MSA over early to get the opportunities legal team to review ahead of time. 
  1. Prepare the SOW and MSA – Based on the details of the Deal, we generate a Master Services Agreement “MSA” and a customized Statement of Work “SOW” 
    1. Get SOW and MSA reviewed by Director of Revenue before sending to Ops/Mike King
    2. Share and review the SOW & MSA with AM
  2. Submit the SOW and MSA to prospect for their final redline.
    1. Put SOW & MSA in HubSpot in for the specific opportunity
    2. Put the SOW & MSA in Dropbox in the specific opportunity folder in the proposal archive folder.  
    3. Follow up on red lines – The prospect’s legal counsel may make adjustments to the paperwork
      1. Escalate to Ops or Legal counsel as required – We may bring in our legal counsel to review paperwork or speak to the prospect’s legal counsel.
      2. Update HubSpot deal notes with any relevant changes
  3. Once all readlines are addressed work with Director of Revenue to put into DocuSign addressed to the customer's signatory for signature (To Do So:)
    1. Make sure the MSA and SOW are filled in correctly and completely
    2. Send final word versions of MSA and SOW to Director of Revenue and review
    3. Supply Director of Revenue the Name, Title and E-mail of all that need to sign or get CC copies.
    4. Move to Paperwork Delivered stage in HubSpot
      1. When they indicate that they want to move forward, move to Paperwork Delivered in HubSpot
      2. Follow up as required until signed
      3. Let the company and project team know a new deal customer has been signed in the #company-notices and in the specific POD channel in Slack
  4. Move to Hold/Stuck
    1. Use this stage when the deal has not moved forward. From here the deal either is Won or closed lost.
  5. Move to Closed Won
    1. Follow the steps to onboarding:
      1. Make sure all the signed paperwork is uploaded to Dropbox and HubSpot
      2. Schedule time to review the MSA and SOW with the AM
      3. Write the Strategic Brief with the AM
      4. Prep the Intake Documentation (Do not just send over the full file)
      5. Send introduction e-mail to AM so they can schedule a client facing KO call
      6. AM to schedule POD facing KO Call
      7. Follow Hand Off Certification Steps
  6. If no to ANY of the Funnel Stages
    1. Refer them to Credo or another agency or consultant – IF we don’t want the lead, we pass them off in an act of good faith
    2. Move to Closed Lost in HubSpot with the status “Unqualified”