Dedicated Copy


“We will do whatever it takes to ethically get results”

Let’s not kid ourselves, we are an agency. That means we have a lot of projects and even more competing deadlines. That means that some days 9:30 – 5:30 isn’t going to be enough. No matter how balanced your work-life mix is, you’re going to need to sacrifice a night or a weekend here or there. 

Qualitatively speaking, it also means that just repeating what you did the last time you did your work may not get you the result that the customer is looking for. You’ll need to continue to learn and actively experiment to level up and avoid complacency.

Dedicated is all about doing what it takes to deliver on the other four tenets. If PROUD was the Infinity Gauntlet, it would be the Power Gem. You can’t be Proactive, Reliable, Outstanding or Useful if you’re not Dedicated.