How we use PROUD Copy


PROUD is built into the fabric of iPullRank. Here are the places you should be sure to encounter it

  • Feedback – Organizations only improve through free-flowing feedback. You will need to challenge yourself to not look at feedback as just a quarterly or annual event. Rather, you should give and request feedback frequently or as things happen to help yourself and others improve.

    • Praise – When you witness a team member exemplifying our values, you should publicly recognize them by indicating which value they exemplified and how within Slack on the relevant project by using the /praise command. The /praise command also allows this information to be stored directly in Lattice for review by you,  the team member and their manager when it comes time to complete reviews.

    • Spot Bonuses – If you witness a team member exemplifying a given value during a week, make a note of it within Lattice. During weekly status, you can request a PROUD card, fill it out and issue it to one of the team members that you have given praise to in Lattice.

      Once a team member has collected the entire word “PROUD” the full set can be redeemed to management for a spot bonus. The value of spot bonuses will be determined at the top of each quarter. 

A given team member can only distribute one card per week and all bonuses are paid 30 days after the completion of the quarter. PROUD cards can be redeemed at any time a set has been completed.

  • Constructive Criticism – When you notice a team member is not exemplifying our values, you should first contact that person by giving them feedback privately via Lattice and allow them the opportunity to set up time to discuss further for purposes of clarity.

    If you’re curious about your own performance in the eyes of your co-workers or manager, you should request feedback via Lattice and set up time to discuss it further if need be.

  • Wins and Losses – In your 1-on-1s, you will discuss with your manager how you met and missed the mark on our values in the previous week. The two of you will devise specific action plans on how you will improve week over week.

  • Post mortems and Retrospectives – When we review our performance on campaigns, we first review whether there were opportunities to be more PROUD in how and what we delivered to our customers.

  • Advancement – We are all here to advance our careers. At iPullRank we believe in advancement through achievement and nothing less. If you want to be with us a long time, earn more, and be promoted you will need to demonstrate your ability to be PROUD.

    • Performance Reviews – We do 360 reviews and everyone’s performance is determined through the lens of PROUD. Our five-point scale of overall performance is based on how well you exemplify those values. Review cycles happen quarterly in January, April, June and October.
  • Pay Raises – Pay raises are issued annually based on where your start falls in the review cycle. You must complete four review cycles before becoming eligible for a raise. If your fourth review cycle is after your start date and you receive a raise, you will receive the retroactive payments from the start date once your review cycle is completed.

    In other words, if you start on February 1st, your annual date will fall between two review cycles. Once you receive your 4th review in April, you’ll receive a raise in April and retroactive payments for the difference since February 1st.

    Pay raises at iPullRank are transparent in that they are a function of your overall rating in your reviews. Adding up the percentage points from your overall ratings across four review cycles will indicate your raise. The percentage points associated with each review rating is as follows:


Raise Percentage



Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement





As an example, if your performance for a year was as follows:

  • Q1 – Meets Expectations
  • Q2 – Meets Expectations
  • Q3 – Exceeds Expectations
  • Q4 – Meets Expectations

Then your raise would be calculated as 8% (2% + 2% + 3% + 2%).
* There is no cap on what percentage can be assigned for Exceptional performance

  • Promotions – Promotions are solely a function of achievement over time, rather than just a function of time. If you expect to be here for one year and advance from Strategist to Director, you will be disappointed because we don’t believe in title bloat and we take advancement very seriously.

    To be promoted, you have to do one of two things:
  1. Achieve an “Exceptional” rating four times consecutively
  2. Achieve an “Exceeds Expectations” rating 8 times

Again, PROUD is not just another arrogant startup acronym, it is baked into the fabric of who we are and how we operate. Keep it top of mind because its principles will lead you to success with us and beyond.