Internal Deliverable Review Meetings Copy


Account Managers should act as the quarterback of any internal deliverable review meetings to ensure the entire account team is on the same page with the findings so they can be used across all work done on the account.

They should bookend the discussion as follows:

  1. Restate the agenda
  2. Explain the context of the deliverable in the broader scope of the engagement and the customer’s marketing program
  3. Hand off the presentation floor to the team member who put together the work to review the differentiating findings
  4. Take notes for the Meeting Minutes
  5. Offer context on the engagement when it comes up throughout the presentation
  6. Stoke conversation on how these insights can inform other parts of our engagement 
  7. Give context on the next steps in our engagement
  8. Determine a series of action items that should carry through the rest of our work for the given client

Other members of the team should be active participants, helping the team to identify the right series of conclusions to make sure we are delivering the PROUDest possible work products.